Match Report

today's match is sponsored by Hanami

Match Report

Match Report
Rain falls steadily from above here at Olímpico Universitario de la BUAP where Lobos BUAP play host to Tepic F.C. Its a sell-out today with the 14,000 capacity stadium completely full.
The pitch is in good condition.
Lobos BUAP are playing in a 4-2-4 formation while Tepic F.C appear to be shaped for 3-4-3.
Today's match is refereed by Pavel Munoz.

The first half starts with Tepic F.C kicking off!
Allan Testo flicks a high pass forward. Irving Vigil controls it well on his chest. Irving Vigil shoots from long range but Arturo Andrade reads it well. Nice keeping!
Rafael Michel chips the ball to his team mate, Abel Eduardo Reggi. Abel Eduardo Reggi shoots from long range. What a cracker!! Arturo Andrade had no chance!! Goal for Tepic F.C!
Daniel Olvera makes a simple pass to David Silva. David Silva makes a beautiful attacking pass to the feet of Irving Vigil. Some silky footwork from Irving Vigil provides him some room. He curls a shot at goal but connects badly and the ball goes wide!
Liborio Vasquez makes a probing pass to Allan Testo. Allan Testo makes a probing pass to Abel Eduardo Reggi. Abel Eduardo Reggi shoots from long range but Arturo Andrade is on top of it.
Abel Eduardo Reggi hacks Jorge Vargas from behind! The referee reaches into his pocket ... it's a yellow card! Jorge Vargas stretches but gets up unharmed.
Salvador Peregrina runs straight at the opposition's defence. Salvador Peregrina controls the ball well and immediately threads the ball forward, putting Hazael Hurtado through on goal. Some good footwork from Hazael Hurtado provides some space. He shoots at goal. The ball strikes Liborio Vasquez's outstretched foot and is deflected wide.
Corner kick to Lobos BUAP. Luis Fernando Velasco chips it out wide. David Silva reaches the ball and heads it out of the danger area!
Jorge Vargas flicks a high pass forward to Luis Fernando Velasco who brings the ball under control. Luis Fernando Velasco flicks a high pass forward. Hazael Hurtado collects the pass. Hazael Hurtado shoots from long range but it's a woeful effort!
Salvador Peregrina makes an attacking run forward. Salvador Peregrina sees the keeper off his line and tries a speculative shot on goal but it rises well off target!
Salvador Peregrina knocks the ball to his team mate, Daniel Burgos. Daniel Burgos shoots from long range but it curls horrendously wide!
Luis Fernando Velasco sees Daniel Burgos in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Daniel Burgos shoots from long range which easily beats the keeper. Goal!!
The referee blows for the end of the first half

Both teams emerge for the second half. Lobos BUAP appear unchanged since the first half. Tepic F.C also appear unchanged since the first half. The Lobos BUAP players look more determined than they did at the start of the game.

The whistle blows and Lobos BUAP get the second half underway!
Peter Portillo makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Luis Fernando Velasco. Luis Fernando Velasco flicks a high ball forward to Hazael Hurtado who takes it down. Hazael Hurtado deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Daniel Burgos but the linesman indicates offside!
Peter Portillo makes a strong solo run forward. Peter Portillo takes it forward alone. Peter Portillo shoots from long range but he skews it badly. The ball flies well over the bar!
Luis Jiménez hits a low pass to Luis Fernando Velasco. Luis Fernando Velasco controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Abran Colon. Abran Colon shoots from long range but it is tipped over by Gerardo Davis.
It's a corner kick. Salvador Peregrina loops the ball in to towards the near post. Felipe Vasquez cuts inside the defence and shoots at goal. The keeper is more than a match for it. Excellent keeping!
Leroy Besler makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Edgar Olivares. Edgar Olivares flicks the ball to his team mate, Abel Eduardo Reggi. Abel Eduardo Reggi plays a scrappy one-two with Irving Vigil and stumbles forward towards the goal... Abel Eduardo Reggi rockets a shot on goal. Arturo Andrade gets down and covers it.
Daniel Burgos comes in with a late challenge on Liborio Vasquez. The referee warns Daniel Burgos to calm down! Liborio Vasquez runs off the knock.
Daniel Burgos comes in with a late challenge on Leroy Besler. The referee brings Daniel Burgos to one side and gives him another warning! Leroy Besler stretches but gets up unharmed.
Tepic F.C have made 3 substitutions with José Luis Gil replacing Irving Jimenez, Carlos Trevino replacing Daniel Olvera and Bryan Velez replacing Irving Vigil .
Salvador Peregrina controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Abran Colon. Abran Colon knocks in a cross ball towards Hazael Hurtado. Hazael Hurtado gets a glancing touch on the cross ball but is denied by José Luis Gil. Excellent block.
Carlos Trevino knocks the ball to his team mate, Abel Eduardo Reggi. Abel Eduardo Reggi knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Luis Negron chips the ball to his team mate, Luis Fernando Velasco. Luis Fernando Velasco makes a probing pass to Hazael Hurtado. Hazael Hurtado skips past Leroy Besler! Hazael Hurtado side-steps and rifles a shot at goal. Magnificent save by Gerardo Davis!
Seeing Rafael Michel's run, Carlos Trevino quickly throws the ball into his path. Rafael Michel plays the ball forward to Abel Eduardo Reggi. Abel Eduardo Reggi knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Rafael Michel makes a simple pass to Bryan Velez. Bryan Velez deftly passes the ball to his team mate, David Silva but the linesman indicates offside!
José Luis Gil hits a low pass to Carlos Trevino. Carlos Trevino plays the ball forward to Abel Eduardo Reggi. Abel Eduardo Reggi shoots from distance. Arturo Andrade gets down and covers it.
Peter Portillo deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Salvador Peregrina. Salvador Peregrina flicks a high pass forward to Abran Colon who brings the ball under control. Abran Colon chips the ball to his team mate, Hazael Hurtado. Hazael Hurtado takes a shot at goal but Gerardo Davis reads it well. Good save!
Leroy Besler threads a neat ball through to Edgar Olivares. Edgar Olivares threads a neat ball through to David Silva. David Silva threads the ball through to Abel Eduardo Reggi but he's offside!
Luis Fernando Velasco plays the ball forward to Abran Colon. Abran Colon knocks in a cross ball towards Felipe Vasquez. Felipe Vasquez is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal. The ball strikes Leroy Besler's outstretched foot and is deflected wide.
Luis Fernando Velasco takes a short corner kick, passing the ball to Daniel Burgos. Daniel Burgos takes a shot at goal. It's in!! A beautiful goal for Daniel Burgos!
Full-time is reached with the referee blowing his whistle!

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 2 vs 1
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 9 vs 5
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 4 vs 1
Offsides: 1 vs 3
Fouls: 2 vs 1
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 0 vs 1
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 48.8095238095238 vs 51.1904761904762
Play Area
Home team third: 28.57%, Midfield: 40.48%, Away team third: 30.95%

Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Daniel Burgos of Lobos BUAP

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
2. Luis Jiménez (DEF)
3. Jorge Vargas (DEF)
5. Luis Negron (DEF)
9. Daniel Burgos (ATT)
10. Hazael Hurtado (ATT)
11. Abran Colon (ATT)

12. Axel Pardo (GK)
14. Arturo Martin (ATT)

4. Leroy Besler (DEF)
6. Daniel Olvera (MID)
7. Allan Testo (MID)
8. Rafael Michel (MID)
9. Irving Vigil (ATT)
11. David Silva (ATT)

12. José Luis Gil (DEF)
13. Carlos Trevino (DEF)
14. Bryan Velez (GK)