Match Report

today's match is sponsored by Hanami

Match Report

Match Report
There is a slight drizzle in the air here at Palmerston Park where Queen of the South play Valencia in this second leg MWF Europa Cup game. Queen of the South lead by 1-0 from the first leg. Its a sell-out today with the 21,000 capacity stadium completely full.
The pitch is in poor condition.
Both Queen of the South and Valencia are lined up in a 3-4-3 formation.
Today's match is refereed by Max Reuser.

Queen of the South kick off!
Oliver Schell hits a low pass to Ivan Morris. Ivan Morris whips in a cross ball towards Pablo Nunez. Pablo Nunez makes a deft header. The keeper is more than a match for it. Great save!
Oliver Schell threads a neat ball through to Pablo Nunez. Pablo Nunez whips in a cross ball towards Stuart Ritchie. Stuart Ritchie is unmarked! He powers a header at goal. Superb reactions from Godwin Afolabi. What a save!
J-Clau Fiorese breaks forward. J-Clau Fiorese flicks a high pass forward. Henning Bratseth collects the pass. Henning Bratseth flicks the ball to his team mate, Artur Vieira. Some clumsy but lucky footwork from Artur Vieira provides some space. He scuffs the ball at goal. Muzzy Kayis is helpless! The ball slams into the back of the net - goal!!
Mick Shearer flicks a high pass forward. Henning Bratseth controls it well on his chest. Henning Bratseth whips in a cross ball towards Rui Yanez. Rui Yanez rises majestically and gets a header on goal. The ball is well placed but Harry Impey blocks the shot and clears the ball up field!
Marcel Emmerlich clumsily knocks into Oliver Schell. The referee calls over Marcel Emmerlich and warns him to calm down! Oliver Schell stretches but gets up unharmed.
Alfred Marsden comes in with a late challenge on Sergio Monteiro. The referee reaches into his pocket ... it's a yellow card! Sergio Monteiro stretches but gets up unharmed.
Harry Impey chips the ball to his team mate, Oliver Schell. Oliver Schell makes a probing pass to Pablo Nunez. Pablo Nunez whips in a cross ball towards Ivan Morris. Ivan Morris beats his man to it with a header but somehow Godwin Afolabi manages to keep it out.
J-Clau Fiorese controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Liam Bazzani. Liam Bazzani flicks a high ball forward to Rui Yanez who gracefully takes it down. Rui Yanez whips in a cross ball towards Henning Bratseth. Henning Bratseth connects with the ball, driving a powerful header at goal. The ball comes off Harry Impey and the loose ball is cleared up field.
Paul Garcia chips the ball to his team mate, Ivan Morris. Ivan Morris whips in a cross ball towards Pablo Nunez. Pablo Nunez is unmarked! He powers a header at goal. Magnificent block by Peter Valakari!
Oliver Schell passes the ball forward to Ivan Morris. Ivan Morris lofts in a cross ball towards Pablo Nunez. Pablo Nunez jumps high and flicks the ball with his head. Magnificent block by Arturo Velasco!
Seeing a gap ahead, Liam Bazzani laces a weighted ball forward to Artur Vieira. Artur Vieira sees the keeper off his line and tries a speculative shot on goal but connects badly, narrowly missing the linesman!
Under pressure, Harry Impey clears the ball far upfield. Stuart Ritchie whips in a cross ball towards Pablo Nunez. Pablo Nunez flicks the ball with his head. Godwin Afolabi effortlessly picks it out of the air!
Valencia are keeping the ball well. They need to convert this possession into goals.
The whistle blows and the first half comes to an end!

Both teams emerge for the second half. Queen of the South have changed their lineup with Lee Adams replacing Peter Valakari and Wes Hulme replacing Rui Yanez. Valencia appear unchanged since the first half.

The whistle blows and Valencia kick off!
Mick Shearer threads the ball through to Artur Vieira. Artur Vieira plays a quick one-two with Wes Hulme and rushes in on goal... Artur Vieira comes in from the right and smashes a shot from 11 yards out which easily beats the keeper. Goal!!
Alfred Marsden flicks a high pass forward. Stuart Ritchie controls it well on his chest. Stuart Ritchie knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
There is some beautiful football being played out on the pitch today.
Harry Impey hits a low pass to Oliver Schell. Oliver Schell knocks the ball forward to Stuart Ritchie. Stuart Ritchie shoots from 25 yards but it curls horrendously wide!
Queen of the South have made a substitution with Marek Smolarek replacing Marcel Emmerlich .Valencia have made a substitution with Stefan Röhner replacing Paul Garcia and appear to have rearranged themselves into a 4-3-3 formation.
Harry Impey pushes mid-way up the pitch. Harry Impey knocks the ball forward to Stuart Ritchie. Stuart Ritchie sees the keeper off his line and tries a speculative shot on goal his aim is horrendously poor!
Oliver Schell laces a weighted ball forward to Ivan Morris. Ivan Morris shoots from 25 yards. Solid save from Godwin Afolabi.
Mick Shearer flicks a high pass forward. Henning Bratseth controls it well on his chest. Henning Bratseth shoots from 20 yards but it curls horrendously wide!
Oliver Schell knocks the ball forward to Ivan Morris. Ivan Morris finds some space and shoots from distance. Fantastic reaction save from Godwin Afolabi!
Sergio Monteiro chips the ball to his team mate, Wes Hulme. Wes Hulme knocks in a cross ball towards Artur Vieira. Artur Vieira is unmarked! He powers a header at goal. Muzzy Kayis gathers the ball up comfortably. Nice keeping!
Jeffrey Van Haaren kicks a strong pass forward to Oliver Schell. Oliver Schell knocks the ball forward to Stuart Ritchie. Stuart Ritchie knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Lee Adams.
Arturo Velasco passes the ball forward to Liam Bazzani. Liam Bazzani flicks a high pass forward to Artur Vieira who brings the ball under control. Artur Vieira plays a one-two with Henning Bratseth and rushes in on goal... Artur Vieira side-steps and rifles a shot at goal. The ball dips under the bar and into the back of the net. Goal!! That's his third!
Liam Bazzani knocks the ball forward to Artur Vieira. Artur Vieira knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Harry Impey.
The referee whistles full-time!

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 3 vs 0
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 6 vs 8
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 2 vs 2
Offsides: 0 vs 0
Fouls: 1 vs 1
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 0 vs 1
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 43.6619718309859 vs 56.3380281690141
Play Area
Home team third: 28.17%, Midfield: 40.85%, Away team third: 30.99%

Artur Vieira 6, 47, 83

Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Artur Vieira of Queen of the South

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
7. Liam Bazzani (MID)
8. Mick Shearer (MID)
9. Artur Vieira (ATT)
11. Rui Yanez (ATT)

12. Lee Adams (DEF)
13. Marek Smolarek (MID)
14. Wes Hulme (ATT)

1. Muzzy Kayis (GK)
3. Harry Impey (DEF)
4. Gérard Guel (DEF)
5. Paul Garcia (MID)
6. Oliver Schell (MID)
9. Pablo Nunez (ATT)
10. Ivan Morris (ATT)
11. Stuart Ritchie (ATT)

12. Stefan Röhner (DEF)
13. Marcel Heiser (MID)
14. Kees Ricci (ATT)