Match Report

Match Report

Match Report
It's a warm sunny day here at Estádio Municipal where Beira Mar play host to C.S Maritimo. A crowd of 14,777 fill this 21,000 capacity stadium.
The pitch is in poor condition.
Beira Mar are playing in a 4-3-2-1 formation while C.S Maritimo appear to be shaped for 4-2-4.
Today's match is refereed by David Futre.

Beira Mar get the match underway!
Peter Potts flicks a high pass forward to Luis Bento who brings the ball under control. Luis Bento flicks a high pass forward. Joao Sousa holds off his marker to collect the ball on his thigh. Joao Sousa shoots from outside the area. The ball swerves in the air but the keeper is more than a match for it. Excellent save!
Ricardo Moreira breaks forward. Ricardo Moreira flicks a high pass forward. Frank Marrero collects the pass. Frank Marrero controls the ball well and immediately threads the ball forward, putting Simion Stinga through on goal. Some clumsy but lucky footwork from Simion Stinga provides some space. He scuffs the ball at goal but it flies just wide!
Peter Potts sees space and advances. Peter Potts knocks the ball forward to Jordi Sikora. Jordi Sikora knocks in a cross ball towards Paulo Carvalho. Paulo Carvalho is perfectly placed and heads the ball at goal but it is deflected wide by Gavin Johnstone.
Corner kick to C.S Maritimo. Luis Bento plays it out to the edge of the box. Joao Sousa makes some space for himself and shoots at goal but he gets too far under it and it goes high into the crowd!
Artur Soares makes a probing pass to Roberto Neves. Roberto Neves knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Ricardo Moreira threads a neat ball through to Harris Fabrie. Harris Fabrie hits a low pass to Frank Marrero. Frank Marrero plays a one-two with Youri Salenko and rushes in on goal... Frank Marrero tries a spectacular strike. The ball swerves in the air but the keeper is more than a match for it. Fabulous stop!
From the throw-in, Luis Bento picks out Artur Soares. Artur Soares flicks the ball to his team mate, Paulo Carvalho. Paulo Carvalho whips in a cross ball towards Joao Sousa. Joao Sousa gets a glancing touch on the cross ball. Dmitri Beschastnykh didn't know what hit him as the ball comes off him at close range. The loose ball is scrambled clear by the defence.
Ricardo Moreira makes a probing pass to Marc Röhlig. Marc Röhlig knocks the ball to his team mate, Simion Stinga. Simion Stinga shoots from long range. The ball swerves viciously but the keeper is more than a match for it. Good save!
Frederico Viana sees space and advances. Frederico Viana sees a break and surges forward. Frederico Viana knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Jordi Sikora barges into Gavin Johnstone. The referee brings Jordi Sikora to one side and gives him a warning! Gavin Johnstone hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
With great vision, Harris Fabrie plays the ball forward to Simion Stinga. Simion Stinga finds some space and shoots from distance but it sails harmlessly over the bar!
Luis Bento makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Paulo Carvalho. Paulo Carvalho shoots from distance but it's a woeful effort!
Oliver Maier threads the ball through to Artur Soares. Artur Soares makes a probing pass to Joao Sousa. Joao Sousa shoots from 25 yards. It curls slightly but Dmitri Beschastnykh manages to gather it.
Samir Friedmann clumsily knocks into Frederico Viana. The referee warns Samir Friedmann to calm down! Frederico Viana stretches but gets up unharmed.
Harris Fabrie threads the ball through to Frank Marrero. Frank Marrero plays a quick one-two with Simion Stinga and rushes in on goal... Frank Marrero side-steps and rifles a shot at goal. Magnificent save by Sebastian Montero!
Luis Bento knocks the ball forward to Joao Sousa. Joao Sousa knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Dmitri Beschastnykh who gathers it comfortably.
Cristiano Rego comes in with a late challenge on Jordi Sikora. The referee reaches into his pocket ... it's a yellow card! Jordi Sikora hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Free kick to C.S Maritimo just outside the area...
Luis Bento steps up and curls the ball around the wall but the keeper has read it well and catches it comfortably.
Samir Friedmann deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Simion Stinga. Simion Stinga shoots from 20 yards. Sebastian Montero easily gets down and covers it.
The whistle blows and the first half comes to an end!

Both teams emerge for the second half. Beira Mar appear unchanged since the first half. C.S Maritimo also appear unchanged since the first half. The C.S Maritimo players look more motivated than they were before.

The second half starts with C.S Maritimo kicking off!
Harris Fabrie chips the ball to his team mate, Frank Marrero. Frank Marrero finds some space and shoots from distance. Sebastian Montero gets down and covers it.
Copain Riga passes the ball forward to Harris Fabrie. Harris Fabrie laces a weighted ball forward to Youri Salenko. Youri Salenko cuts inside the box! Youri Salenko rockets a shot on goal. Magnificent save by Sebastian Montero!
Peter Potts flicks a high pass forward. Artur Soares holds off his marker to collect the ball on his thigh. Artur Soares flicks a high pass forward to Joao Sousa who brings the ball under control. Joao Sousa shoots from outside the area. It's there!! Dmitri Beschastnykh has to pick the ball from the back of the net!
Artur Soares makes a probing pass to Joao Sousa. Joao Sousa tries a spectacular long range effort but couldn't keep it down. It goes high into the crowd!
Beira Mar have made 2 substitutions with Guilherme Reis replacing Cristiano Rego and Bart Van Der Gun replacing Simion Stinga .
Guilherme Reis flicks a high pass forward. Samir Friedmann holds off his marker to collect the ball on his thigh. Samir Friedmann controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Youri Salenko. Youri Salenko controls the ball perfectly and tries a long range shot on goal but it is tipped over by Sebastian Montero.
It's a corner kick. Marc Röhlig loops the ball in to towards the near post. Peter Potts chests the ball down and quickly clears it out of the danger area!
Youri Salenko barges into Frederico Viana. The referee calls over Youri Salenko and warns him to calm down! Frederico Viana stretches but gets up unharmed.
Oliver Maier chips the ball to his team mate, Luis Bento. Seeing a gap ahead, Luis Bento plays the ball forward to Paulo Carvalho. Paulo Carvalho lofts in a cross ball towards Joao Sousa. Joao Sousa rises majestically and gets a header on goal. The ball clips the underside of the bar and bounces just over the line. The fans cheer wildly!
Beira Mar have made a substitution with Igor Boksic replacing Marc Röhlig .
Guilherme Reis makes a probing pass to Samir Friedmann. Samir Friedmann sees space and advances. Samir Friedmann lofts in a cross ball towards Youri Salenko. Youri Salenko is unmarked! He powers a header at goal but it is shockingly off target!
Harris Fabrie advances with the ball. Harris Fabrie shoots from 20 yards. Sebastian Montero gathers the ball up comfortably. Good keeping!
Samir Friedmann makes a probing pass to Youri Salenko. Youri Salenko finds some space and shoots from distance. The ball curls but the keeper is able to reach it. Quality keeping!
Full-time is reached with the referee blowing his whistle!

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 0 vs 2
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 9 vs 7
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 3 vs 3
Offsides: 1 vs 0
Fouls: 3 vs 1
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 1 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 50.5882352941176 vs 49.4117647058824
Play Area
Home team third: 28.24%, Midfield: 40.00%, Away team third: 31.76%

Joao Sousa 56, 74

Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Joao Sousa of C.S Maritimo

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
3. Copain Riga (DEF)
6. Harris Fabrie (MID)
8. Marc Röhlig (MID)
9. Frank Marrero (ATT)
10. Simion Stinga (ATT)
11. Youri Salenko (ATT)

12. Guilherme Reis (ATT)
13. Igor Boksic (GK)

2. Armin Eilts (DEF)
3. Peter Potts (DEF)
5. Oliver Maier (DEF)
6. Luis Bento (MID)
7. Artur Soares (MID)
9. Jordi Sikora (ATT)
10. Joao Sousa (ATT)
11. Roberto Neves (ATT)

12. Luis Marquitos (MID)
13. Bruno Marques (GK)
14. Stuart McCoist (MID)