Match Report

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Match Report

Match Report
The air is cold and hail stones bounce off the ground here at Giovanni Celeste where Messina play host to Ravenna. A crowd of 8,956 fill this 10,000 capacity stadium.
The pitch is in poor condition.
Messina are playing in a 3-5-2 formation while Ravenna appear to be shaped for 4-2-4.
Today's match is refereed by Donato Maresca.

Messina kick off!
Gennaro Dei controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Ferdinando De Franceschi. Ferdinando De Franceschi knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Vincenzo Bertani surges forward with the ball. Vincenzo Bertani passes the ball forward to Sven Hermann. Sven Hermann cuts inside the box! Sven Hermann muscles his way past his marker and unleashes a shot at goal but it flies just wide!
Gennaro Dei threads a neat ball through to Girolamo Luiso. Girolamo Luiso knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Gerhard Bierhoff.
Hugo Faria threads a neat ball through to Ferdinando De Franceschi. Ferdinando De Franceschi shoots from 20 yards but it's a lousy effort!
Diego Allegri catches Uwe Götz on the ankles. The referee calls over Diego Allegri and warns him to calm down! Uwe Götz carries on, but is struggling a bit.
Gennaro Dei flicks a high pass forward. Girolamo Luiso controls it well on his chest. Girolamo Luiso shoots from outside the area but it flies wide!
Hugo Faria controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Girolamo Luiso. Girolamo Luiso whips in a cross ball towards Ferdinando De Franceschi. Ferdinando De Franceschi makes a looping header on goal but connects badly, narrowly missing the linesman!
Pierpaolo Carrera threads a neat ball through to Frederico Soares. Frederico Soares passes the ball forward but Flavio Mutarelli is offside!
Gennaro Dei darts forward. With some swift thinking, Gennaro Dei plays the ball forward to Ferdinando De Franceschi who has made a great run into the box. Ferdinando De Franceschi makes some space for himself and shoots at goal. It's in!! A beautiful goal for Ferdinando De Franceschi!
Stefan Bräutigam sees Girolamo Luiso in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Girolamo Luiso skips past Gianluca Pistone! Girolamo Luiso muscles his way past his marker and unleashes a shot at goal. The keeper, Antonino Ferrante, sees it late!! Goal for Messina!
The referee blows for the end of the first half

Both teams emerge for the second half. Messina appear unchanged since the first half. Ravenna also appear unchanged since the first half. The Ravenna players look more motivated than they were before.

The whistle blows and Ravenna get the second half underway!
Gennaro Dei flicks a high pass forward to Girolamo Luiso who brings the ball under control. Girolamo Luiso finds some space and shoots from distance but somehow Antonino Ferrante manages to keep it out.
Diego Allegri flicks the ball to his team mate, Ruggiero Zanetti. Ruggiero Zanetti threads the ball through to Flavio Mutarelli but he's offside!
Ravenna have made a substitution with Luca Sotgia replacing Gerhard Bierhoff .
Adam Sinclair knocks the ball to his team mate, Uwe Götz. Uwe Götz flicks a high pass forward. Girolamo Luiso collects the pass. Girolamo Luiso sees the keeper off his line and tries a speculative shot on goal but it is miles over!
Massimo Storari knocks the ball forward to Pierpaolo Carrera. Pierpaolo Carrera knocks the ball to his team mate, Sven Hermann. Sven Hermann knocks in a cross ball towards Ruggiero Zanetti. Ruggiero Zanetti jumps high and flicks the ball with his head but it scrapes just over the bar. Good effort!
Diego Allegri sees Sven Hermann in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Sven Hermann chips the ball to his team mate, Flavio Mutarelli. Flavio Mutarelli takes a shot at goal but slams it into the crowd!
Lorenzo Di Francesco makes a simple pass to Girolamo Luiso. Girolamo Luiso shoots from 20 yards but it flies just wide!
Diego Allegri flicks a high pass forward. Ruggiero Zanetti controls it well on his chest. Ruggiero Zanetti shoots from distance. The ball swerves viciously but the keeper is more than a match for it. He makes it look easy!
Gennaro Dei flicks a high pass forward. Ferdinando De Franceschi holds off his marker to collect the ball on his thigh. Ferdinando De Franceschi knocks the ball forward to Girolamo Luiso but the linesmans flag is up. Offside!
Gennaro Dei flicks a high pass forward to Girolamo Luiso who brings the ball under control. Girolamo Luiso knocks in a cross ball towards Ferdinando De Franceschi. Ferdinando De Franceschi makes a convincing header. What a cracker!! Antonino Ferrante had no chance!! Goal for Messina!
The whistle blows full-time!

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 3 vs 0
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 4 vs 1
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 5 vs 3
Offsides: 1 vs 2
Fouls: 0 vs 1
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 0 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 72 vs 28
Play Area
Home team third: 18.67%, Midfield: 52.00%, Away team third: 29.33%

Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Ferdinando De Franceschi of Messina

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
2. Andy Davies (DEF)
3. Adam Sinclair (DEF)
5. Gennaro Dei (MID)
6. Hugo Faria (MID)
7. Uwe Götz (MID)
11. Girolamo Luiso (ATT)

12. Alassandro Dei (DEF)
13. Renzo Veronese (ATT)
14. Attilio Taldo (MID)

7. Diego Allegri (MID)
8. Sven Hermann (ATT)

12. Mario Gattuso (GK)
13. Luca Sotgia (GK)
14. Steve Bould (MID)