Match Report

Latinos 305
today's match is sponsored by Latinos 305

Match Report

Match Report
Heavy rain falls from above here at Univé Stadion where BVO Emmen play host to Ajax Amsterdam. A crowd of 7,834 fill this 10,000 capacity stadium.
BVO Emmen are playing in a 6-3-1 formation while Ajax Amsterdam appear to be shaped for 4-3-3.

Ajax Amsterdam kick off the first half!
Diego Stroeve threads the ball through to Delano Kerkhof. Delano Kerkhof finds some space and shoots from distance but it goes wide for a goal kick.
Shota Blinker chips the ball to his team mate, Delano Kerkhof. Delano Kerkhof makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Erwin Franken but he's offside!
Jo Zimmerman knocks the ball forward to Mohammed Van Den Bergh. Mohammed Van Den Bergh sees space and advances. Mohammed Van Den Bergh plays a perfect one-two with Aaron Van Gastel and rushes in on goal... Mohammed Van Den Bergh tries a spectacular strike. What a cracker!! Ellery Cales had no chance!! Goal for BVO Emmen!
Mohammed Van Den Bergh decides to run forward with the ball. Mohammed Van Den Bergh shoots from outside the area but he skews it badly. The ball flies well over the bar!
Diego Stroeve passes the ball forward to Delano Kerkhof. Delano Kerkhof shoots from outside the area. It's miles wide!
Shota Blinker deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Erwin Franken. Erwin Franken finds some space and shoots from distance. It's miles wide!
Marinus Grot brings the ball forward. Marinus Grot shoots from outside the area. Ivo Hamming easily smothers it.
Diego Stroeve kicks a strong pass forward to Gerard Pienaar. Gerard Pienaar shoots from long range but couldn't keep it down. It goes high into the crowd!
Boudewijn Kool makes a simple pass to Aaron Van Gastel. Aaron Van Gastel shoots from distance but somehow Ellery Cales manages to keep it out.
Edgar Kasmi passes the ball forward to Aaron Van Gastel. Aaron Van Gastel knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Atam Winter.
The whistle indicates the end of the first half!

BVO Emmen kick off and get the second half underway!
Marinus Grot barges into Mohammed Van Den Bergh. Marinus Grot is given a warning by the referee! Mohammed Van Den Bergh carries on, but is struggling a bit.
Diego Stroeve knocks the ball to his team mate, Erwin Franken. Erwin Franken plays a perfect one-two with Delano Kerkhof and rushes in on goal... Erwin Franken makes some space for himself and shoots at goal but connects badly and the ball goes wide!
Diego Stroeve threads the ball through to Delano Kerkhof. Delano Kerkhof shoots from distance but connects badly, narrowly missing the linesman!
Marinus Grot controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Gerard Pienaar. Gerard Pienaar tries a spectacular long range effort but couldn't keep it down. It goes high into the crowd!
Diego Stroeve makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Delano Kerkhof. Delano Kerkhof shoots from 25 yards but it flies wide!
Diego Stroeve hacks Edgar Kasmi from behind! Diego Stroeve is given a warning by the referee! Edgar Kasmi hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Diego Stroeve clumsily knocks into Edgar Kasmi. Diego Stroeve is warned by the referee again! Edgar Kasmi runs off the knock.
Marinus Grot barges into Mohammed Van Den Bergh. Marinus Grot is given another warning by the referee! Mohammed Van Den Bergh runs off the knock.
The whistle blows full-time!

The man of the match was awarded to Mohammed Van Den Bergh of BVO Emmen

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 1 vs 0
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 2 vs 1
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 1 vs 8
Offsides: 0 vs 2
Fouls: 0 vs 4
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 0 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 44.7761194029851 vs 55.2238805970149
Play Area
Home team third: 26.87%, Midfield: 59.70%, Away team third: 13.43%