Match Report

today's match is sponsored by ALAC

Match Report

Match Report
An overcast sky looms overhead here at Florencio Sola where Banfield play host to Club Olimpo. A crowd of 11,398 fill this 14,000 capacity stadium.
The pitch is in poor condition.
Both Banfield and Club Olimpo are lined up in a 4-4-2 formation.
Today's match is refereed by Lautaro Guly.

The whistle blows and Club Olimpo kick off!
Francisco Labruna laces a through ball forward to Tiago Ayala. Tiago Ayala hits a low pass to Diego Giménez. Diego Giménez lofts in a cross ball towards Juan Varela. Juan Varela flicks the ball with his head but it's drastically wayward!
Kevin Rivero flicks the ball to his team mate, Diego Giménez. Diego Giménez sees Tiago Balbo in space ahead and quickly passes the ball. Tiago Balbo threads the ball through to Juan Varela but he's offside!
Ramiro Markic takes it forward alone. Ramiro Markic advances inside the box! Ramiro Markic strikes a beautiful right-footed shot at goal but Daniel Medina reads it well. Great keeping!
Ramiro Markic runs deep into the other half of the pitch. Ramiro Markic deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Carvalho Correa but the linesman indicates offside!
Kevin Rivero plays the ball forward to Juan Varela. Juan Varela flicks a high ball forward to Leonardo Segura who takes it down. Leonardo Segura shoots from 20 yards but he gets too far under it and it goes high into the crowd!
Thiago Rodriguez surges forward with the ball. Thiago Rodriguez rushes past Hernan Cabrera! Thiago Rodriguez comes through the middle and smashes a shot from 11 yards out but it flies just off target!
Diego Giménez controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Tiago Ayala. Tiago Ayala shoots from distance but it rises well off target!
Carvalho Correa hacks Kevin Rivero from behind! Carvalho Correa is warned by the referee! Kevin Rivero hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Carvalho Correa makes a beautiful pass to the feet of Alejandro Rodríguez. Alejandro Rodríguez finds some space and shoots from distance. It slams into the side netting. So close!!
Leonardo Segura kicks a strong pass forward to Juan Varela. Juan Varela knocks the ball to his team mate, Tiago Ayala. Tiago Ayala lofts in a cross ball towards Juan Varela. Juan Varela is unmarked! He powers a header at goal. It smacks hard against the advertising boards behind the goal. Just wide!
Lucas Luna catches Leonardo Segura in the face with his elbow. Lucas Luna is shown the red card!! Leonardo Segura rubs his head but gets up unharmed.
Ramiro Quiroga barges into Juan Manuel Crespo. Ramiro Quiroga is given a warning by the referee! Juan Manuel Crespo stretches but gets up unharmed.
Tiago Ayala makes a probing pass to Ramiro Quiroga. Ramiro Quiroga whips in a cross ball towards Juan Varela. Juan Varela makes a deft header. Matias Rivas manages to gather it comfortably.
Ramiro Quiroga receives the ball from a throw-in from Tiago Ayala. Ramiro Quiroga threads a neat ball through to Tiago Balbo. Tiago Balbo shoots from distance but it flies wide!
Francisco Labruna threads the ball through to Tiago Ayala. Tiago Ayala hits a low pass to Juan Varela. Juan Varela lofts in a cross ball towards Tiago Balbo. Tiago Balbo directs the ball goalwards with his head. The keeper is more than a match for it. Nice keeping!
Diego Giménez knocks the ball to his team mate, Juan Varela. Juan Varela passes the ball forward but Tiago Balbo is offside!
The first half ends with the referee blowing his whistle!

Both teams emerge for the second half. Banfield appear unchanged since the first half. Club Olimpo also appear unchanged since the first half.

Banfield kick off!
Hernan Cabrera launches a long ball forward. Juan Varela knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Matias Rivas who gathers it comfortably.
Kevin Rivero makes a probing pass to Leonardo Segura. Leonardo Segura flicks the ball to his team mate, Tiago Ayala. Tiago Ayala plays a perfect one-two with Tiago Balbo and rushes in on goal... Tiago Ayala strikes a beautiful right-footed shot at goal. The ball edges just beyond the reach of the keeper, thudding into the back of the net. Goal!!
Tressor Gomez chips the ball to his team mate, Juan Manuel Crespo. Juan Manuel Crespo flicks a high pass forward. Carvalho Correa controls it well on his chest. Carvalho Correa edges inside the box! Carvalho Correa strikes a beautiful left-footed shot at goal but it is miles over!
Ramiro Quiroga passes the ball forward to Tiago Balbo. Tiago Balbo knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Tomás Godoy flicks a high pass forward. Diego Giménez controls it well on his chest. Diego Giménez deftly passes the ball to his team mate, Tiago Balbo. Tiago Balbo knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Matias Rivas who gathers it comfortably.
Kevin Rivero threads a neat ball through to Diego Giménez. Diego Giménez chips the ball to his team mate, Juan Varela. Juan Varela shoots from outside the area but Matias Rivas reads it well. He makes it look easy!
Ramiro Markic threads a neat ball through to Alejandro Rodríguez. Alejandro Rodríguez knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Diego Giménez flicks a high pass forward. Tiago Balbo collects the pass. Tiago Balbo cuts inside the box! Tiago Balbo cuts inside the defence and shoots at goal but is denied by Matias Rivas. Excellent save.
Leonardo Segura decides to run forward with the ball. Leonardo Segura sees the keeper off his line and tries a speculative shot on goal but it scrapes just over the bar. Good effort!
The referee blows the final whistle

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 1 vs 0
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 5 vs 1
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 6 vs 3
Offsides: 2 vs 2
Fouls: 1 vs 2
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 0 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 1

Possession: 63.953488372093 vs 36.046511627907
Play Area
Home team third: 27.91%, Midfield: 44.19%, Away team third: 27.91%


Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Tiago Ayala of Banfield

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
2. Tomás Godoy (DEF)
4. Kevin Rivero (DEF)
7. Tiago Ayala (MID)
10. Juan Varela (ATT)
11. Tiago Balbo (ATT)

13. Alexis Zambrano (ATT)

1. Matias Rivas (GK)
3. Tressor Gomez (DEF)
4. Diego Artime (DEF)
5. Claudio Hugo (DEF)
7. Lucas Luna (MID)
8. Ramiro Markic (MID)
11. Carvalho Correa (ATT)

12. Nestor Mateo (GK)
13. Facundo Núnez (DEF)
14. Diego Peralta (MID)